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来源:fjzsksw.com 2010-5-8 21:27:11 【字体:小 大】


一、Choose one answer that best explains the underlined part of the following sentences. (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)

1. Owing to the financial crisis, economic problems were exacerbated all over the world.
A. deteriorated
B. improved
C. enlarged
D. transformed

2. The authorities are willing to permit a run-down in the country’s international reserves over the next few years.
A. run away
B. reduction
C. enhancement
D. downward

3. Figures show that the bulk of our foreign obligations consist of non-bank trade-related credits.
A. investments
B. profits
C. revenues
D. debts

4. Foreign investors want to enjoy the same tax status as the domestic ones.
A. treatment
B. decline
C. support
D. objection

5. More than a decade of fast growth makes China to supplant Japan as West’s main trade worry in Asia.
A. exceed
B. replace
C. agree
D. defeat

6. Many governments have promised to take measures to help the unemployed.
A. action
B. size
C. degree
D. care

7. Discrimination against goods from foreign countries is prohibited by WTO.
A. equality
B. fairness
C. different treatment
D. strict policy

8. America’s embrace of the free-trade agreements balanced all the criticism from the developing countries.
A. suggestion
B. insistence
C. opposition
D. acceptance

9. Because of the mutual benefits no one would take a breach of those law lightly.
A. offence
B. obedience
C. strike
D. rest

10. Economists reckon Japanese bilateral trade surplus with America is also growing rapidly.
A. recognize
B. calculate
C. predict
D. suggest

11. Korea’s ambitious plans include a wholesale revamping of the country’s basic industries.
A. reconstructing
B. retracting
C. releasing
D. reverting

12. Even the well established consultants are finding it hard to secure definitive lucrative projects.
A. profitable
B. reasonable
C. safe
D. risky

13. Japanese managers act more like western managers, putting profits before their firm’s market share .
A. opportunity
B. prospect
C. protection
D. part

14. In the U.S. soft drink industry is dominated by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo.
A. competed
B. balanced
C. made
D. controlled

15. Investment funds have moved out of commodities and into liquid assets.
A. in the form of water
B. moving
C. easily changed into cash
D. clear
